2023 Ewha Womans University, PH.D Painting
2017-2020 Ewha Womans University, MFA Painting
2013-2017 Ewha Womans University, BFA Painting
2023. 12 <A/P. Searching for Karma>, Indipress Gallery, Seoul
2023. 10 <Searching for Karma>, OCI Art Museum, Seoul
2022. 10 <Portrait of Schadenfreude>, Cheongju Art Studio,
2022. 6 <Guilty Pleasure: Fantastic Montage>,
Samgaksan Citizens' Office, Seoul
2021. 1 <J’s Counterattack>, Gallery MEME, Seoul
2020. 7 <Eye Trick I>, Palais de seoul, Seoul
2023.<Memories beneath the Ego, Dreams above the Ego>,
Seoul National University Museum of Art, Seoul
<Drawing-Growing>, Deregional Post Office, Seoul
<2023 ART BUSAN>, BNK Special Exhibition, Bexco
2022.<6th BNK Busan Bank Art Exhibition> Grand-Prize, Busan
<Gyeomjae Tomorrow's Artist>,
Gyeomjae Jeongseon Museum of Art, Seoul
<The Future of X and Y>, Cheongju Art Studio, Cheongju
<Multi-view landscape>, Hwaseong Cultural Foundation,
2021.<Mascarade>, Hangaram Art Museum, Seoul Arts Center,
<Empty space. Shape of New House>,
Seoul Artists’ Platform, Seoul
<Space in the Back> 22nd Danwon Art Festival,
Danwon Art Museum, Ansan
<Disappeared Sense: Missing, Montage, Pantom>,
Gallery 175, Seoul
2020.<Media, Configuration Setting>,
SeongBuk Young ArtSpace, seoul
<Sparkling disturbance>, Openspace Bae, Busan
2022-2023 16th Cheongju Art Studio, Cheongju, Korea
2023 OCI Young Creatives, OCI Museum
ARKO Young Artist, Arts Council Korea
2022 <RE:SEARCH>, Seoul Foundation Art Center
2021 <Empty Place. Shape of New House>,
Seoul Foundation Art Center artists’ Platform
<SEARCH>, Seoul Foundation Art Center
2022 <6th BNK Busan Bank Prize> Grand Prize Winner,
BNK Busan Bank Gallery
2021 <Danwon Art Festival> Ansan Art Center
<Samgaksan Art LAB> Seoulcitizenshall Young Artist
<Gallery 175>, Korea National University of Arts
2020 Openspace Bae Incubating Program
Seongbuk N Artist Program, Seongbuk Young Art Space